Universiteit Leiden

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Liveable planet lunch meeting - Understanding public opposition to infrastructure and energy projects

donderdag 22 september 2022
Hybride: live on campus (location tbd) and online in MS Teams

You are invited to join us for the fourteenth lunch meeting of the Liveable Planet programme lunch series. This meeting will be a hybrid meeting: the meeting can be attended live – room will be announced later - or online in MS Teams (see link at the bottom of this page).



Short introduction | all webcams on 


Emma ter Mors will take the stage for a short presentation, followed by an opportunity to discuss:

Understanding public opposition to infrastructure and energy projects: The role of trust and fairness

The deployment of new energy projects and technologies (e.g., onshore and offshore wind farms, carbon capture and storage technology or CCS) is considered crucial for a transition to a more sustainable energy future and to meet EU climate and energy goals.

Less enthusiastic
When it comes to the implementation of energy policy, communities designated to host infrastructure and energy projects seem less enthusiastic though, sometimes resulting in pro-active opposition.

Understanding the opposition
Societal opposition can result in delays or even cancellation of projects necessary for the energy transition. It, therefore, is important to understand underlying factors of societal acceptance and opposition. In this talk, Ter Mors will present research showing that societal responses to infrastructure and energy projects to an important extent depend on sociopolitical factors such as trust in project developers and decision-makers, and perceived distributive and procedural fairness.

Liveable communities – Liveable Planet

The Liveable Planet programme is one of the eight interdisciplinary programmes that were launched at Leiden University in 2020

Leiden’s Liveable Planet programme aims to combine scientific, policy, socio-cultural and historical/archaeological research at Leiden University into coherent research with which we can tackle the major challenges of a transition to a habitable planet with ecological sustainability. The programme will  serve as a hub for the wide range of relevant research carried out within Leiden University and welcomes interaction with colleagues interested in contributing to the initiative within as well as outside of Leiden University.

Liveable communities – Liveable Planet

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