Universiteit Leiden

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Legal Analysis of Access to Old-Age Public Pension Benefits in Rwanda

  • O. Nyiramuzima
donderdag 1 december 2022
Rapenburg 73
2311 GJ Leiden


  • Prof.dr. B. Barentsen
  • Prof.dr. N. Huls


Odette Nyiramuzima’s dissertation is a Legal analysis of access to Old-age public pension benefits in Rwanda: Challenges and Trends.

Based on the approaches adopted by the ILO, the study’s objective was the assessment of Rwandan pension legislation and its compatibility with international social security standards.  

As part of the findings, the study identifies gaps in national pension legislation with regard to coverage and benefit adequacy and finds out the usefulness of adopted International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions.

The study suggests a combination of different approaches such as contributory and non-contributory pension schemes, supported by progressive formalization of the informal activities, as an effective strategy to achieve universal pension coverage and adequate benefits. These findings were reached by using doctrinal legal approach and comparative legal approach complimented by a study of ILO social security standards and reports, International Social Security Association (ISSA) publication, Rwanda’s pension legislation and policies and Focus Group Discussion.

Odette’s study, one of the very few on this subject and area, forms a useful basis for discussion and further research on pension rights enforcement in a developing country context.


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