2,410 zoekresultaten voor “open science community leiden” in de Publieke website
Open Science Lunch - Faculty of Humanities
Debat, Lunch
Open Science Lunch - Faculty of Law
Debat, Lunch
Kaya Peerdeman
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
k.j.peerdeman@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3622
Open Science Coffee: Developing tools and practices to promote open and efficient science
Daily Records of events in an Ancient Egyptian Artisans'Community'
Irene Morfini verdedigde haar proefschrift op 21 february 2019
Open Science Coffee: Publish Your Reviews
Open Science Coffee: User experiences on preregistration
Uta Wehn benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar 'Citizen Science and Sustainability'
Per 1 december 2024 is Uta Wehn benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar op de nieuwe leerstoel 'Citizen Science and Sustainability' binnen de Focal Area Engagement and Inclusion van het Centrum voor Wetenschaps- en Technologiestudies (CWTS) van de Universiteit Leiden. De nieuwe leerstoel is gezamenlijk opgericht…
hormones on the interaction between plants and the soil microbial community
The soil ecosystem consists of the largest reservoir of biodiversity on Earth.
The Manichaeans of Kellis: Religion, Community, and Everyday Life
Mattias Brand verdedigde zijn proefschrift op 10 april 2019.
Open Science Coffee: Non-replication pathways
Open Science Coffee: ChatGPT in science: academic (dis)honesty or better science?
community-acquired pneumonia: exploring metabolomics-based biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment response monitoring of community-acquired pneumonia
Exploring metabolomics-based biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment response monitoring of community-acquired pneumonia
OSCoffee: Open Science and AI - Synergy or Contradiction
Metagenomics for community ecology; a next generation of eDNA monitoring tool for biomass studies in freshwater environments
How can we quantify the density of species within a community through environmental DNA concentrations?
OSCoffee: Open Science in Criminology - barriers and opportunities
Open Science Coffee: Open Access Q&A, explaining different options based on four researcher profiles
Open Science Coffee: Experimenting with an open, continuous deployment PhD dissertation
Citizen science
Citizen science of burgerwetenschap is een term die recentelijk veel wordt gebruikt, maar wat houdt het precies in? Wat is het verschil tussen tussen citizen science en crowdsourcing? En hoe verhoudt community archaeology/gemeenschapsarcheologie zich hiermee?
- My DNA and the community: what is the future?
Open Science Coffee: A hands-on guide to preprints
Open to all, not known to all: sustaining practices with open educational resources in higher education
In het hoger onderwijs zijn open leermaterialen beschikbaar die iedereen mag gebruiken, maar ze worden niet zo veel gebruikt.
Open Science Coffee: Credit where credit is due - a lesson from team science
Open Science Coffee: a hands-on introduction to preregistration
‘Open Science’ leidt tot betere wetenschap
De Universiteit Leiden kent een actieve community die Open Science wil stimuleren: transparantie in alle fasen van het onderzoek door elke stap nauwkeurig en openbaar vast te leggen. ‘Het is nu de tijd om je open te stellen’, zeggen de psychologen Anna van ’t Veer en Zsuzsika Sjoerds. De noodzaak van…
Open Science Coffee: How to justify your sample size?
Open Science Coffee in International Data Week: pilots for preparing, publishing and monitoring Leiden research data
OSCoffee: How to take your next step in the path to open science
OSCoffee: Doing Open Science in the Humanities: From Public Discourse to Qualitative Data
Open Science Coffee: Online walk-in hour for anything OS and responsible scientific conduct related
Open Science Coffee: Direct publishing as an answer to problems in scholarly publishing
Open Science Coffee: Assessing robustness through multiverse analysis – Applications in research and education
OSCoffee: Open Educational Resources (OER)
Tuesday Talks: Science Insights
De maandelijkse dosis onderzoeksinspiratie van Leiden Science, van onze medewerkers, voor onze medewerkers en alle andere nieuwsgierigen.
OSCoffee: A Glance at Open Access Book Publishing Platforms
Linking soil microbial community dynamics to N2O emission after bioenergy residue amendments
Vinasse is a major by-product generated by the sugarcane biofuel industry. It is a source of microbes, nutrients and organic matter and often it is recycled as fertilizer.
Principles of Environmental Sciences
Principles of Environmental Sciences provides a comprehensive picture of the principles, concepts and methods that are applicable to problems originating from the interaction between the living and non-living environment and mankind. Both the analysis of such problems and the way solutions to environmental…
Preprints plaatsen: ‘Er is geen enkele reden om het niet te doen’
Universiteit Leiden publiceert het hoogste percentage preprints van Nederland. Hoe komt dat en waarom zou je je artikel al voordat het door vakgenoten is beoordeeld online zetten?
Early Childhood Community Practitioners’ analyses of new mother’s challenges in Alexandra Township South Africa
In dit artikel presenteren Josien de Klerk en anderen vijf webposts die zijn geschreven door studenten van het Leiden University College in samenwerking met Ububele Early Childhood Community Practitioners (ECCP), in Alexandra, een township in Zuid-Afrika.
Open Science Week 2024
OSCoffee: Making data reusable in the social sciences
OSCoffee: Unintended consequences of the shift towards Gold Open Access publishing
analysis of stakeholder interests and conflicts in and around Big Science
Big Science, commonly defined as conventional science made big in three dimensions, namely organizations, machines, and politics, brings a plethora of different stakeholders together, often for a long period of time. This includes policymakers, scientists, (scientific) managers as well as local “host”…
Ragazzi, ‘Suspect community or suspect category?‘, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Ragazzi, ‘Suspect community or suspect category?‘, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Gintingan in Subang: An Indigenous Institution for Sustainable Community-Based Development in the Sunda Region of West Java, Indonesia
This study attempts to understand how indigenous community institutions pose an important role in sustainable community-based development, including the integration between local culture and development.
Open Dagen
Op zoek naar een Bachelor die bij jou past? Bezoek de Open Dagen van Universiteit Leiden en maak kennis met onze opleidingen in Leiden en Den Haag.
OSCoffee: Research Software on the rise at Leiden University
NWO Open Science Fund subsidies voor vijf Leidse projecten
Vijf projecten met een Leidse hoofdaanvrager krijgen een Open Science Fund-subsidie van de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek.
Matter into context: population- and community-level impacts of nanomaterials in freshwater ecosystems
The application of nanomaterials in industrial processes and consumer products provides many societal benefits, but can also lead to the release of nanomaterials into the environment. The work in this dissertation aims to provide insights into the potential environmental impacts that may follow from…
Utilisation of the Plural Medical System in Pirgos and Praitoria for Community Health Development in Rural Crete, Greece
Promotor: Prof.dr. L.J. Slikkerveer